Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas story

Hubby has always told me how magical Christmas is in Germany so I am really happy to be here for the first time. Just like everything has a meaning behind it in Japan, my family in Germany celebrates this season with layers of stories to share...

Goose dinner my grandmother-in-law used to make, Christmas decoration they bought in India long time ago, little angels my mother-in-law made (and have been brought back this year with their futuristic flying vehicles made by my father-in-law), little roo's first Christmas gift, the story of Peter Rabbit which was my hubby's favorite when he was little...

I love hearing every bit of story from my hubby and his family.

Life is told through stories...

Special occasions like this bring family and friends together to share the sweet memory over and over again.
Christams Eve 2010Christams Eve 2010Goose dinner made by my father-in-law... recreating his childhood memory of his mother's Christmas dinner.
Christams Eve 2010 Safe or not... The Christmas tree lit with candles is beautiful and little roo loves it too.
Christams Eve 2010Christams Eve 2010Lovely gifts from in-laws. I love the vintage tea container... and of course... Peter Rabbit's story.
angel(s)Handmade angels. They have been fixed many times over years... this year with their handmade flying vehicles. angel(s)Check out the additional angel. She loves to fly:)