Saturday, December 25, 2010

little roo Saturday {first flight}

Merry Christmas to everyone:)
As I promised, this is the first post from Hamburg, Germany. I am so excited that we have made it here... last night... just in time for Christmas Eve dinner with my in-laws.

I have already taken quite bit of photos here in snow covered Hamburg... but first I would love to share some pics from our travel! Little roo's first flight.

10 hours from LA to Frankfurt... then another 50 minutes to Hamburg.

It was exhausting for us (both physically and emotionally) but we made it through with good spirits. The seats with adjacent bassinets were the best thing ever.  Except the first take off from LAX (when she cried her head off), she spent most of her time in the little bassinets either sleeping or playing. People around us were very sweet and kept little roo entertained here and there...

She of course woke up and wanted to play in the wee early morning (like 2-5am??); otherwise, we are smoothing into the days in Europe. Stay tuned! More updates to come from our adventure:)
flying with little rooflying with little rooflying with little rooflying with little rooflying with little roo