Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Due to the weather in Europe, our trip has been stalled for a few days... so right now we are camping out at my parents' house. Hopefully our flight will take off tomorrow afternoon to arrive to Hamburg just in time for Christmas Eve dinner.

While we are kind of stuck here in very rainy Los Angeles, we are making the most out of situation. My parents are absolutely loving the extra few days they got with our little roo and we feel very lucky "to be stuck" at a place where there is a solid roof, comfortable bed, yummy foods, time to read... all with a company of family.

I hope everyone is staying warm and dry... and enjoying the few days before Christmas. And hopefully my next blog post will be from Germany.

We'll see:) Everything happens for a reason, right?

p.s. the chocolate on the third picture is from Recchiuti Confections in San Francisco. Amazing flavor and textures...
days brefore our tripdays brefore our tripdays brefore our tripdays brefore our trip