Saturday, March 24, 2012

03:25:12 [96:365] - new / old

25th of every month is... Tenjin-san (aka. one of the biggest flea market in Kyoto) filled with antique and vintage items! From the experience of our last flea market visit, we knew that we would be more productive on our own... so Roo went to the 3rd day of daycare from the morning and we had 3 hours to get to the flea market, shop and come back!

The outing became a mixture of material sourcing for the baum-kuchen original items (more vintage folk fabrics!!), product inspiration, pop-up shop inspiration and a bicycle date!

I have to admit... that we said "nah!!" to each other quite often at the market... There were a lot of "stuff" out there... and not everything was worthy of coming home with us especially because we love having very little in our household. But when we said "yes!!", I knew it would be our treasure for long time to come.

Time to start packing a box from Kyoto to LA!

p.s. I also very much liked some of the wooden furniture they are making!