Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday adventure

Now we are all back in our home (both mentally and physically), we enjoyed each other's company by taking an adventure trip to Little Tokyo in downtown LA. Since we took a train ride to meet up with our play date few weeks ago, Roo has been obsessed with Densya (train). So when we told her on Saturday night that we would go for a big adventure on the train the next day, she was so excited... to the point that she put herself to sleep by making train sounds (I know... it's cute, right?).

So on Sunday, we woke up, made a special breakfast... then headed out to a nearby train station!

Of course... my ultimate destination was Orochon Rame, the Japanese ramen noodle restaurant... and Kinokuniya bookstore. But we were lucky to stumble upon a downtown bicycle event where they closed a part of the Little Tokyo (and many other areas in downtown LA) for bicyclists!! There were so many bicyclists and it was so much fun to watch them go with all kinds of two (and three) wheels!!! I secretly wished that we had bicycles but we can't quite justify the expense of owning them since we really have no places where we can access via bike from our home.

Now Roo is more independent and comfortable walking on her own, we are so looking forward to exploring more places! Hooray for a toddler phase:)