Monday, April 28, 2014

Our first sunny day at Nakama beach, Yakushima

Our stay in Yakushima always seem to start with a consecutive rainy days.... which can be bit daunting if we were only staying here for a few days... but it was a great opportunity to settle down and take things easy while we recovered from our jet lag.

When the first sunny day arrived, we jumped on the car and headed south to Nakama beach... where we spend our last beach day when we were here two years ago.

On our way to the beach, we introduced the concept of a Japanese vending machine to Satchi and she was ecstatic. Now she tells me that she is very very VERY thirsty whenever we are driving.

It was Coco's first time at a real beach... and she loved it. She spent quite bit of time on the sandy beach exploring the texture then discovered that there is water in front of her and crawled straight into the shallow pool. This girl is fearless!

After spending enough time by the water (and just in time before we got totally sun burn...) we decided to take a walk through the Nakama village to see Gajyumaru tree. We could watch this big tree for a very long time figuring out which roots were going where... I am pretty sure that there is a tree fairy living in this tree.