Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Camp BK / Point Mugu State Park

We are happy to be back from our 2nd camping trip this month. Point Mugu State Park (also very close to our house) was a nice change from Malibu Creek campsite. It was right off the HWY 1. Even though the campsite was nested in a canyon, we were so close to both ocean and a canyon hiking trail. Satchi and Coco both love being at the water and visiting beach 3 times over 2 nights stay was priceless. 

I love that camping requires physical work. Pitching a tent, cooking dinner and all the activities require doing things. Staying outdoor does get us dusty but being there together makes all the little things that might usually bother us at home go away. 

By now girls are used to sleeping in the tent. We had our Snug Attack friends visit us again at our campsite on the 2nd night so they were able to fully experience the "childhood" at camp (and thank you Dale for the home brew beer:). I think they found a forgotten toothpaste behind the bush and made bubbles with it by rubbing the paste against a big rock with water. Yep. A total chaos and freedom at the camp:) 

It looks like this will be the last camping trip for a while because of our busy schedule in the fall. (sniff...) We can't wait to book more camping trips in the sumer of 2016!