Friday, September 23, 2016

Field Trip // The Living Desert Zoo in Palm Springs

We had a chance to visit The Living Desert Zoo while we were visiting Palm Springs this past week. We have been frequent to Los Angeles zoo these past few years as girls have grown to be really interested in animals... and I am so glad that we have found this lovely zoo only 2 hours away from our home!

Firstly... I adore the name, "living" zoo.  The quiet and serene space of The Living Desert Zoo was such a nice contrast to the zoo in the city. We loved watching the desert animals live in an actual desert environment and was inspired to find out that some of the exhibits actually use the natural landscape that existed before zoo moved in. Because we were there on Tuesday morning, it felt like we had the whole zoo to ourselves. We got to ask a lot of questions to a really friendly animal keeper after the reptile show was over and was able to spend quite bit of time getting to know a desert tortoise.

Palm Springs was still pretty hot (100 degrees...) so I was expecting that we will probably stay for two hours or so... but weather became little bit overcasted and we ended up spending from 9am all the way to their closing time at 1:30pm.

Since we have a lot of small trips to desert cities coming up, we have incorporated "desert habitat" as one of the targeted topics to explore for homeschooling. We had a lot of fun watching some of the episodes from the nature documentary Planet Earth, reading stories from "Life in the Desert" via Be Naturally Curious (thank you Kaori-san for your recommendation), etc.

I can't wait to visit The Living Desert Zoo again once the weather cools down and explore the other 1/2 of the zoo we didn't get to see this time!