Satchi turned 7 last weekend. Seven. SEVEN!!!
Today she feels so tall in our eyes that we can't believe that she was the tiny little 6lb baby when she was born.
I adore her genuine kindness that comes from her heart, the endless energy she has for play, and love for her family and friends. She is a natural athlete and is always ready to play chase or tag... and can spend hours in the water swimming. So compassionate for all animals around her and would take any bugs she finds in the garden as her pets.
We welcomed her birthday in Palm Springs with pink/purple balloons and cannonball jump into the pool. She is definitely the one who has awoken me and Frido as parents seven years ago and gave us an incredible lifelong opportunity to see the world differently. I still write almost every night to her and Coco and I often find myself writing "thank you" to her. Thankful for so many things...
I can't wait to spend another year around the sun... and more and continue to get to know her.