Making rumtopf must be our favorite "delayed gratification". We got this recipe from the German family. It's quite simple to make... all you need is fruit (1lb), sugar(1/2lb) and high percentage rum (fill it up to the top of the jar after you put fruit and sugar). You mix them all, wait for 6 months... and voila! You will have great rum based fruit toppings to enjoy with vanilla ice cream, chocolate cake... It's also great to add to the sponge cake as it gives amazing "grown up" flavor. We gave away a few as recent birthday gifts. I think it looks great with a simple paper wrap + stamped name + red twine. Date stamp helps recipients to know when they should open the jar to indulge...
p.s. The twine is coming super handy recently. I am thinking of adding some of the selected colors (definitely red&white as one) to the shop!