Actually... my busy-ness only comes from myself.
Since last week I am back consulting part-time and of course... I want to keep working on my shop with full force... then I am training for 1/2 marathon... which is happening next weekend! (It seemed like an awesome idea two months ago)
So yes. I got my plate full.
I know I am limited to the time I have in my hand... so I try to stay focused on the task. I also try to take care of myself and my energy level for the sake of all of us involved in the family. Little roo needs me... no matter how exhausted I am and it is my number one priority... to be a good mama for her.
So when I have her in my arm, we enjoy our time with each other. It has been a very warm days here (close to 90F° today! Oh my) so we spend quality time taking walks around the neighborhood and admiring little fruit trees in our backyard.
I am crossing my fingers that once I finish my 1/2 marathon, I will be little easy on myself. Maybe do some more yoga and have little time for breather... we shall see:)