Celebrating the 100th day is important in Japan (as well as many countries in Asia). Japanese family prepare elaborate dishes and pretend to feed the baby. This traditional ceremony promises the abundant food for rest of the baby's life.
... and you know how important it is for me to have the abundant food for our little roo...
After doing some research, I figured it would be bit difficult to line up the traditional Japanese recipe so we opted for our very special "German-ese" menu. I cooked some Japanese food, hubby cooked some German food... and "voila!"... we had a tray full of mix & match dishes from both cultures.
Little roo gave some funny faces when the spoon full of food touched her lips but she played the baby role of ritual very well.
I am so thankful to have spent the last 100 days with our little roo... I hope she will always be surrounded by a variety of foods from many different cultures.
And the fun part? We got to enjoy all the dishes afterward with close friends and it was special:)

From left to right: seaweed salad, olives, salmon tartar on top of the potato pancakes with mastard/dill sauce, rice ball, Japanese style hamburger, cucumber dill salad (thanks Susan!) For drinks, we had Japanese beer and red wine.