My in-laws left our home on Tuesday morning. First it felt like our house was little too big for 2+ people... but we are slowly molding ourselves back into the normal routines.
Lats two weeks with them was so insightful. They are not only kind but also very mature.
Mature meaning they know what they want in their lives.
I noticed that they never doubt their decisions (from small decisions like what to eat for breakfast to the big one... like how to spend time during their next vacation). And because they don't doubt their decisions, they are immersed into the task at hand. They don't waste time wondering "should I...?" and they get a lot of stuff done in a day (and still have time for coffee and cake in the afternoon:).
I understand that the focus in life only comes from experience and it takes time and diligence to sharpen the lens.
I am going to do my best to continue sharpening my lens... everyday... so that I can make decisions that are true to myself and my life.