He was a special one. The one I have always called "Jiji". He lived on Yakushima island in Japan all by himself for last 25 years. I remember being very scared of him when I was little...
Hubby and I had an opportunity to visit him two winters ago. It was a very memorable trip for us. He was turning 80 years old back then but still very active and agile. His genuine curiosity surprised us. He wanted to eat something hubby cooked. Something German... which was hard to come by on the island. He watched hubby cook his German food (or whatever that came to the closest) in his very functional industrial style kitchen.
On top of the cliff, he built this amazing dome house (3rd picture) several years ago all by himself so that he can have his family over more often. This house was like a little space ship... He had everything he needed to survive... everything from a big industrial freezer which could freeze his catch for many years to heavy weight machines to use for the work around his house.
He was a tool person. He had the best of the best tools in the kitchen and he took care of them well. Along with my mother-in-law in Germany, he was one of the person who inspired me to start the shop that carries quality products.
It's not easy to see family member go from this world to the next... but I know he was deliberate in the way he spent his life and he did not suffer from the moment of his departure...
so all I wish is for him to have a very restful journey to the next life.
We love you Jiji...