We are getting close to finish the very first {and very close to our heart} baum-kuchen original item. There has been a lot of paper samples, color test, visits to local vendors... We are also adding a few creative twists to the pop-up shop displays for the Rosebowl Flea Market (this coming Sunday!). I love how each pop-up shop is an iteration of the previous round for us... constantly making improvements. It really is a designer's dream come true!
Our friends often ask me "how do you do it??"... honestly... I have no idea how we get stuff done between everything that is going on in our household. I guess we do it because these ideas are important to us. (also we are - by choice - stuck at home 99% of evenings because of our roo's 6pm bedtime... and we gave up TV more than a year ago...) Sometimes execution of ideas comes very easily... and some other time I am grinding my teeth all the way through. These days we're streamlining our life and our budget so we can pick and choose projects we want to work on instead of taking everything. We also started curving out a dedicated creative day each week so each of us can focus on pouring the energy into generating and producing... and that seems to be helping us a lot!
I can feel that act of creating really fuels our vitality from inside and out and we love the endorphin affect of making something out of nothing...
I can smell that there will be a lot of "creating, generating, producing" in the coming year and it's pretty exciting:)