We ventured out to an Estate Sale for the first time this morning. We thought we arrived to the house fairly early to be the first ones to spot interesting items... but there was a quite crowd in/around the house when we actually got there. (you know we have 1 year old...)
The house was nestled in the wealthy part of Hollywood... and we could tell that this person was somehow related to the entertainment industry. A room full of colorful neckties, tin toys, a working jukebox, a black dial-up phone, New Yorker magazines dated 1927...
I heard one person making a comment..., "wow... he must had been an interesting person... so many different interests intermingled in his life." That's when I realized that this person whose house now filled with strangers going through his stuff left this home or the world without taking any of these. It was a very strange feeling.
It made me wonder how would our estate sale look like if we were to get in the circumstance of having one (either we're still present in this world or not... who knows...). We are constantly streamlining our belongings so hopefully we have a very small collection of amazing stuff that are ready to be passed on to someone else who can treasure them as much as we do...
I guess my point is... that the life is so short and we better surround ourselves with things that are truly meaningful to us... if you know what I mean...