Yesterday I took my parents-in-law to Kyoto city while Roo took her afternoon nap. We are on the mission to make a few stops that had not been possible with (almost) 2 year old. Our first stop was Merry Go Round children's book store.
I love a specialty store... especially a good one whose stuff knows EVERYTHING about the subject matter. my mother-in-law is an artist and have published a few illustrative children's book when FB was young... so I knew the store would be a good fit for her:)
And of course... this super cute store filled with beautiful books happened to be displaying a book that was written/illustrated by her good friend in Europe... and a very sweet stuff who was at the store was a huge fun of her friend. What a coincidence...
For our little Roo, I bought one Japanese book and omi (grandma in Germany) bought one German book which is translated in Japanese.
...and then we went down few floors on the same building and found this shop called Piece.
The gallery's name is "Piece" because they produce affordable everyday items that are almost like art pieces using left over fabrics from textile/design shop. The shop was super bright and airy... and my favorite part was an entrance to their workshop. Seriously... who wouldn't want to work in the bright cave like this?? I would feel like a Christmas fairy if I were making things in there.