Yesterday was my first Mother's Day as a newly mom.
To be honest it feels little bit silly to be celebrated for being a mother... because I know that I have gained so much more in my life from being a mom. So I should thank our little roo for helping me be a mom:)
To enjoy the spirit of the day, I had a moment to reflect on the gifts I have received through my motherhood... so I thought I would share.
- I now appreciate my own mother differently (thanks mom:)... things my mother told me before roo came along... I get it now.
- It's truly amazing to witness the evolution of one human being right in front of my eyes.
- I am finding myself and the capacity of who I could be by growing up with little roo.
- Little roo brings so much light and joy to my life. I laugh more, discover more beauties around us and appreciate every moment with more grace.
thank you roo... we love you:)
... and happy (belated) Mother's day to everyone who nurtures and cares for the little ones:)