The vol. 27 focuses on KITCHEN!! FB and I were just talking about how important the kitchen is to the our family... so it was a perfect timing. Don't you think kitchen is a huge part of what makes a nice home to be extraordinary?
As you might know, spacious kitchen is not very common in Japan... so Japanese have very interesting way to get creative in and around the kitchen.
After reading this issue, you will certainly be super inspired that we could all make our kitchen unique and special using a lot of creativity and materials that are readily accessible! The issue also features case studies for building the dream kitchen in a separate booklet.
Here is a list of contents from this issue!
- How to make a "happy kitchen".
- You can make a great kitchen in a small space!
- Make cooking fun by creating a storage system that still looks pretty even when it's opened.
- DIY case study: Transform a boring system kitchen
- Kitchen inspired by a cafe
- My corner in the kitchen
- DIY: a kitchen furniture with 100Yen ($1.6) material
- Spring room transformation
Okay... now it's time for me to bury myself into kitchen organization:)
Purchasing Information:
Come home! Vol. 27
Available at Baum-Kuchen shop
Price $20

I love the cute window between kitchen and dining room. What a sweet way to keep eyes on our little one while cooking amazing food for the family! Mix & match chairs totally match the mood too!
Get inspired by a cafe kitchen!! I can't tell you how huge the whole cafe culture is in Japan...
and a few keys to maximize a small kitchen space! I think I could move into this kitchen...
I love this chapter about transforming a boring system kitchen into something warm and inspirig. The first picture is the "before" and there are pages of what happens to this kitchen... which leads to the final "after" photo with worn-in vintage look with twist of freshness. I can totally see how this transformation can change many years of family relationship!