This afternoon I had a few quiet hours just with Coco. How much she has grown since we arrived to Germany last week blows my mind. Seriously... She walks through the park confidently, her love and admiration for animals continues to grow, and she is just so curious about the world. Her independent (of course) comes with a lot of stubbornness and strong cry and I have to sometimes remind myself that I really have no where to go and I can wait for her to finish what she is doing before we pick her up. I also sometimes let her cry and be until she finds herself again... letting her know that I would be waiting for her in the other room.
Today I noticed a few big changes.
She has always smiled before but now she smiles as a way to "share" her feeling instead of a reactive smile to what is happening around her. My heart as a mother feels very full to receive her smile.
She also started to really enjoy looking books together. If I am sitting on the couch, she would bring a book to me and ask to sit next to me... then we cuddle and flip through the book looking at pictures. It might be one of my favorite activity with her. It's so sweet.
Coco, keep growing:)