Since we decided to stay in Hamburg for the entire duration of our trip instead of our original plan of visiting Heligoland, we have quite bit of freedom to what we can do here! So we told ourselves, why not check out the Dom?
It was very exciting for all of us starting from our local train ride. We totally indulged in the little rides for Satchi and (over-indulging) fair foods. Our favorite was the world's biggest ferris wheel. Both girls were fascinated by how high our gondola lifted and seeing rainbow far in the distance. The visit to the fair was something Frido did when he was young and living in Hamburg so it was such a treat for the family to immerse ourselves in his childhood memory.
And that really did the trick to the girls' jet lag. I am so glad that both of them finally slept through the night. No more walking the neighborhood with Coco in ergobaby while holding Satchi's hands at 2am when outside temperature felt like winter to us Californian. (and neighbors probably thought we are little crazy)