... and just like that! Our little roo turned ONE yesterday.
She was a little social butterfly at her party. (I think she knew that everyone was here for her;). She was totting around the backyard with all the aunties and grandma, picking up blueberries and being showered with thoughtful gifts... She didn't really need mama nor papa until she realized that it was her nap time! We are so lucky to celebrate the special day with family and close friends...
Oh... how much she loved eating her strawberry shortcake for the first time (Thank you Naru for baking the cake until 3am!)
I kind of got teary singing the birthday song with everyone. Really... the first birthday is a big milestone and I could feel that she is at this exact point where she is transitioning from a baby to a toddler. It is little bit bitter sweet... to witness the tiny little baby I held in my arm exactly a year ago becoming her own person. It wasn't always an easy cruse but I loved our journey together and I am going to enjoy every bit of our next 365 days!
p.s. my little sister was our official event photographer so I am looking forward to sharing more pics once they are in my hand:) For now... here is my favorite spot at the party - little roo's birthday shrine:)