Sometimes it takes a good excuse to see our daily routine from a different point of view. My (awesome and need to happen more frequently) excuse was my friend's visit on weeknight!
I've been slacking off on making our everyday dinner nice. I mean... we eat enough (sort of) but dinner just happens to fall between my precious working hours after little roo's bedtime and "I am so exhausted from the day that I need to just lay down on the couch and watch some show on my laptop" moment. So I have been either too busy to take time to cook something lovely (and enjoy the process)... or I was away too pooped to stand in the kitchen.
Though it was a reality, it was starting to make me feel little less fulfilled... At the end of the day (literally), if I can't find time to simply enjoy the dinner with FB, what's the point of working so hard?
On Monday night after our usual long day, I had just about 1 hour to prep something nice for three of us to eat. A few family style appetizers. Nothing fancy but something colorful, flavorful and healthy to eat in our backyard with a few glasses of wine...
It was so nice to sit outside and just chill... feeling the evening breeze, watching the day to slowly end and doing some owl viewing. (2 baby owls who have been living on our palm tree are flying now!)
Now summer is truly here in Southern California, I need to make these excuses more often to just enjoy the time of day. Maybe not everyday... but enough days to keep us grounded to what makes us happy.