I believe in the serendipity of life. I believe that when we find a small glimpse of what we want in our lives and start seeking for opportunities generating a creative momentum from inside out... things can start to roll..
I've thinking of shifting the type of work that fills everyday to align my life with who I am becoming. I have to be honest... I had moments when I felt stuck because there are so much inspiration out there... but to be truly authentic to who I am, I have to curve out what is right for myself instead of just copying what others are already doing.
Only after I stopped "looking" and started letting it be, I stumbled upon a few articles, insights and images that eventually clicked in my heart and started jolting a new picture of vision... For now I have the type of creative work I want to be doing and I know why I want to pursue it... and a few ideas of how I might be able to get there.
I would love to share some of these inspiration I came across with you. Maybe it might do some magic to your creative heart too...
- An article about Ivy Ross, my personal hero in the professional design field: I love that we can get inspired and conceptualize new ideas from anything/everything around us.
- This really cool Mexican food take-out concept from Copenhagen.: Design is infinitely expansive and applicable to everything we do.
"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."
"I wish that I had let myself be happier."
I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely Friday night... For now I am going to give my jumping/giggling/adrenalin filled heart some rest. Dream big and follow the gut..., right?